Steve Loori, a seasoned intelligence community professional, shares his incredible journey from the Marine Corps to becoming a leader in...
Gabe Dominocielo, co-founder of Umbra Space, discusses the challenges and excitement of launching SAR satellites and the unique capabilities of synthetic aperture radar. He shares insights...
Robert (Bob) Sharp shares his journey in the military and as the director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). He discusses how he accidentally became an...
Delve deep into the clandestine world of the CIA and Black Ops with former spy and shadow warrior, Enrique “Ric” Prado. Known for volunteering for life...
Welcome to another insightful episode of “The NDS Show,” where we delve into the fascinating market of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) including government contracting and commercial industry....
In this episode, we continue our journey in the enthralling world of Open Source Intelligence with OSINT Technical, one of the leading twitter accounts for sharing...
Dive deep into the world of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and the power of publicly available information gathering and analysis. In this podcast we define and...
Spatial intelligence, often referred to as visual-spatial intelligence (VSI), or the ability to perceive, process, and manipulate objects in “space”, is a fundamental cognitive skill that...
The Three Letter Intelligence Agencies: More Than Just Acronyms When you hear the words “national security” or “intelligence agency,” your mind might immediately go to some...
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) is not just for spies and hackers – it’s a powerful tool that anyone can use to uncover insights and make better decisions....